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Bergman Clinics opens ultra-modern orthopaedic clinic | NPM Capital

2 juli 2020
Bergman Clinics opens ultra-modern orthopaedic clinic | NPM Capital

The new specialized orthopaedic clinic in Rijswijk can now run at full capacity. Bergman Clinics’ new, state-of-the-art clinic was set to open officially in March. The COVID-19 crisis hindered the complete opening, as only emergency treatments went ahead. Staff expect to be able to perform all 400-500 postponed surgeries this year after all.

Care workers from Bergman Clinics helped out in hospitals, providing emergency care to patients with coronavirus. The clinic also provided medical supplies and lent respiratory systems to the hospitals. That urgent need for medical care has now passed, and the new clinic in Rijswijk can run at full capacity, with all necessary modifications to be able to serve its clients safely and responsibly.

The highest quality orthopaedic care
The ultra-modern specialised clinic in Rijswijk provides the answer to the growing demand for orthopaedic care, which is partly due to the ageing population. The clinic expects that it will soon be treating between 350 and 400 people per week. The shift from hospitals to specialised clinics, when providing care that can be planned, has been ongoing for a while and is only expected to increase in the coming years as part of the government’s ‘The right care in the right place’ policy. The building is fully equipped for this purpose and has been designed to provide the highest quality care – care that is 100% insured through regular health insurance. Hyper-specialisation enables providers to work incredibly efficiently, which keeps costs manageable.

Focus, attention and results
With the opening of the Bergman Clinics | Bewegen | Rijswijk orthopaedic clinic in 2017, this NPM Capital portfolio company anticipated both a strong increase in the demand for orthopaedics and sports medicine and the further shift in scheduled care from hospitals to specialised clinics within the greater The Hague region. With that in mind, in 2019 construction began on an ultra-modern specialised clinic opposite the site of the existing clinic. Together, they now form Bergman Clinics | Bewegen | Rijswijk, the largest and most modern specialised clinic for orthopaedics in the region. Here, all mobility-related care is combined under the same roof. With its 40 beds, 20 outpatient rooms, four operating theatres, the latest MRI and X-ray equipment and a team that gives its heart and soul, this clinic offers the perfect balance for the highest quality care. Everything contributes to a pleasant healthcare experience, from the state-of-the-art equipment to the well-defined routing and comfortable single rooms. Focus, attention and results are what our clinic stands for.

The value of care
Bergman Clinics works according to the principles of Value-Based Healthcare. This means maximising the value of the care for the patient and simultaneously reducing costs; in other words, serving the interests of society. The clinic focuses on one type of care and organises everything around a limited number of care paths. This increases the value of the care provided in terms of quality, client experience, accessibility and affordability. Specialised clinics have created a snowball effect where more efficient working methods reduce the cost of certain specialised treatments. For example, over a period of six years the price for hip surgery has dropped by 20% nationwide. The confidence insurers have in Bergman Clinics’ specialised clinics is evident from the contracting. Arrangements are in place with all Dutch insurers, which means that 100% of the cost of treatments is always reimbursed. Recently, Bergman Clinics became the first chain of specialised clinics to enter into long-term agreements with Zilveren Kruis and DSW.

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