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Bright future for Ecuadorian shrimp | NPM Capital

Feeding the World
1 april 2021
Bright future for Ecuadorian shrimp | NPM Capital

In partnership with Skretting and Ecuacultivos, Hendrix Genetics has recently started construction of a special facility for the cultivation of shrimp larvae in Ecuador. Local producers will gain access to a genetically enhanced line of shrimp with increased resistance to local diseases. The breeding programme will start with specially selected, disease-free shrimp from Ecuacultivos hatcheries.

The three partners previously announced the purchase of the Macrobio shrimp hatchery in February 2019 for the cultivation of Pacific Whiteleg Shrimp larvae. Owing in part to the high quality of the genetic material, the initiative was an immediate commercial success and the production capacity was scaled up rapidly over the following months.

The construction of the new facility is a natural next step in the development of a strong and sustainable shrimp sector in Ecuador. Construction will take place in two phases and will include a new laboratory building as well as several shrimp breeding ponds. The total investment will amount to nearly 25 million dollars.

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