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Circular Together

Healthy Life & Learning
9 april 2024
Circular Together

The medical device industry is not generally known as a progressive and innovative sector. But that reputation is misleading: it is actually a leader in circularity. For example, at least 80% of wheelchairs in healthcare facilities are used more than once, sometimes up to fifteen times. Besides maximizing social value, reducing the use of primary resources and cutting CO2 emissions are also important goals. NPM participation Medux realizes this by reusing medical devices in a collective pool system, and by collaborating across the entire healthcare chain based on the efficiency principle. In doing so, they laid the foundation for a new collaborative initiative: Samen Circulair (Circular Together). Through the initiative, producers, suppliers of medical devices, depot managers and healthcare offices engage with each other.


Suppose a wheelchair reaches the end of its lifespan and is found unsuitable for further use. In some cases, specific components can still be reused. Any used parts are refurbished, inspected and returned to the producer after approval. Several pilots have shown that the used materials can be successfully reintegrated in new products. Medux will continue these circularity initiatives in 2024, looking for further optimizations in the healthcare chain.

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