
Conclusion migrates SAP platform to Microsoft Azure for Eneco in less than seven weeks | NPM Capital

Written by NPM Capital | May 7, 2019 4:00:00 AM

Conclusion has become a partner of Eneco for the digital SAP transformation to Microsoft Azure. It is the first Dutch company that has migrated SAP on such a large and high-impact scale with a view to future Eneco ambitions. In the space of just seven weeks, 17.5 terabytes of data from 23 local servers have been moved to the cloud in order to be ready before the end of the fiscal half-year. Conclusion will also assume responsibility for the management in the years ahead, with the aim of achieving further optimisation and innovation.

Near realtime information
A key advantage of the Azure environment is that Eneco’s financing reports no longer take days to compile, but can now be drawn up in a matter of minutes – in near real time. Pilot projects also get off the ground straightaway now that Eneco can present them as proof of concept to business clients. This makes all the difference because it means clients can now view working examples and see tangible results.

Focus on sustainability and innovations
The new cloud platform offers a future-proof IT landscape that provides the speed, flexibility and scalability needed to operate competitively and productively. Eneco no longer has to worry about its IT and this paves the way for a growing focus on sustainability and innovations.

Sander van Steenis, Business Technology Manager at Eneco, praises the dedication and broad deployability from the ecosystem Conclusion has in place: “The tremendous dedication and far-reaching knowledge of the Conclusion professionals meant we were able to finalise a huge migration without any difficulties. Thanks to them we are ready for the future!”

Also read: ‘Conclusion company myBrand acquires Nextmoves and strengthens its position in SAP market’