
De Boer partner of the World Economic Forum in Davos | NPM Capital

Written by NPM Capital | Mar 1, 2016 5:00:00 AM

For more than four decades, CEOs of the largest companies in the world, international politicians, and selected group of intellectuals and journalists gather for the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos. The mission during this multi-day event is to improve the world. This is also the underlying idea by designing and developing the annual meeting. This year there will be mainly spoken about managing the fourth industrial revolution, global security and solving the problems which are affecting the world.

For 12 years now, the WEF is paying attention to the World Food Programme (WFP). The World Food Programme is a UN organization and supplies food aid to about 90 million people, more than half of them are children, in more than 80 countries.

During the WEF a fund raising diner is organised for the benefit of the World Food Programme. De Boer, partner since the beginning, is involved in this event and builds the accommodations for this special diner. The paviljons are mainly used for the activities of the WFP, but in the years to come it will be further expanded and several side events will take place at this location.

Every year a permanent crew travels to Davos to build the paviljons, furthermore De Boer takes care of the facility management on site. The biggest logistic challenges are the local weather conditions.  It has to be built under icey and snowy conditions, but at the same time the project has a VIP-ambiance.

De Boer is once again delighted to contribute in this beautiful event in the beautiful snowy mountains of Davos!