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Deli Home acquires software developer Numdata | NPM Capital

30 juni 2020
Deli Home acquires software developer Numdata | NPM Capital

Deli Home, manufacturer and distributor of constructive and decorative home furnishings, announces its acquisition of Numdata. This manufacturer of design, planning and production systems for the furniture industry will work on further digital developments in collaboration with Unicon Creation, Deli Home’s in-house software development branch.

The process of furniture design and production is rather complex. Numdata, manufacturer of online configurators, including the Deli Home wardrobe configurator, makes this easy for the user. This aligns perfectly with Deli Home’s vision to simplify complex custom solutions. This makes craftsmanship accessible to everyone and enables Deli Home to continue to build the digital carpentry factory of the future.

Frank Schepers, Managing Director Numdata: ‘Our ambitions are fully aligned with those of Deli Home. Therefore, we are delighted, as part of Deli Home, to be able to continue building our products and contributing to Deli Home’s vision of making craftsmanship accessible to everyone by using our software.’

Victor Aquina, CEO Deli Home: ‘Numdata offers us an opportunity to accelerate our investment in the further digitisation of customised production for several of our ranges. This is perfectly aligned with our strategy.’

About Deli Home
Deli Home, an NPM Capital portfolio company, is known for the brands CanDo, Bruynzeel, Lundia, Skantrae and Weekamp. The company is a producer and distributor of the product groups wood, doors, floors & stairs, storage, screens and bathroom fixtures, where wood is the connecting factor between all the product groups. Deli Home has 1,600 employees, operates in 10 countries and generates €330 million in revenue in DIY, home furnishings, wholesale building materials and via online retailers.

About Numdata
Founded in 1990, Numdata works not only on the development but also on the implementation and support of its systems for users in the Benelux, Germany and Scandinavia. Ivenza&trade is Numdata’s flagship. This is a web-based software package that enables manufacturing companies in the furniture industry to design with incredible speed, followed by highly automated production.

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