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Deli Home makes production processes more efficient and sustainable | NPM Capital

16 december 2020
Deli Home makes production processes more efficient and sustainable | NPM Capital

Deli Home, producer and distributor of configurable and decorative home products, has taken major steps over the last year to render its production processes in its factory in Gorinchem more efficient and sustainable. For instance, investments were made into new machines which optimally use the sheet material, and the entire production processfrom the warehouse to the final finishingwas automated. These innovations allow Deli Home to further strengthen its position as specialist in custom craftsmanship in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Deli Home spent multiple years realising the final optimisation of its production process of custom storage furniture under the guidance of a German engineering company. This required, among other things, a complete re-imagination of the "flow" at the production site, starting from the current operating system and the online configurator "Ivenza". In addition, a new sheet warehouse was realised which can also accommodate larger sheets, resulting in a reduction of waste. Wart van Nuland, Category Manager Storage at Deli Home: 'The total process, from the sheet warehouse to the saw and finally to the edging machine, has been completely automated. The new design of the factory also allows for the possibility of producing in larger batches. In doing so, we combine different orders for storage units, resulting in a more efficient production process and use of materials.'

New configurator
Furthermore, the new production process offers additional opportunities to combine different materials with a range of decors and thicknesses. This translates into new options for the product range of custom storage furniture. As a result, the final customer also benefits from these investments. According to Peter Schrauwen, Team Leader of Custom Production, the developments in the production facilities should be seen as a stepping stone towards a new configurator (working title: 'Ultimate') for more luxurious custom-built storage units and furniture with a range of fresh possibilities. Schrauwen: 'Now that the production site is ready, the new customisation concept can be introduced toa select group of dealers.'

Because the investments also increase the production capacity, the future growth of Deli Home is assured. Van Nuland: 'By continuously expanding our capabilities, we're strengthening our position as a specialist in custom craftsmanship. This way, we'll be able to accelerate our growth in the Netherlands, but certainly also in Belgium.'

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