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Dieseko vibratory hammer installs 400 piles for LNG terminal in Canada | NPM Capital

2 juni 2020
Dieseko vibratory hammer installs 400 piles for LNG terminal in Canada | NPM Capital

In Kitimat, Canada, 600km north of Vancouver, a huge LNG terminal and wharf are being built on behalf of LNG Canada. The basic construction consists of more than 400 steel piles of 75m length each, with a concrete deck of approximately 20,000m2. The steel piles were installed with a PVE 110MU Upending vibratory hammer rented from Dieseko Group.

The BJM joint venture, including BAM International, is responsible for the construction of this project. The terminal is being built specifically for Rio Tinto Aluminum BC works. The consortium choose Dieseko’s vibratory hammer because it can pick up the horizontally stored tubes and directly position and install them in one sequence. This upending feature is an important, time-saving advantage.

The PVE 110MU Upending vibratory hammer has been working continuously for over eight months and installed its last pile at the end of May. Two other PVE vibro hammers (a PVE 52M and another standard PVE 110M) are still in use for the construction of a Material Offloading Facility (MOF), a second terminal within this project.

Dieseko Group is worldwide market leader in hydraulic machines for the foundation industry. Dieseko develops and produces mainly hydraulic vibratory hammers, power packs and pilling and drilling rigs. These machines are used to drive and extract sheetpiles, piles and other elements. Dieseko sells and rents its machines under the labels Piling & Vibro Equipment (PVE), International Construction Equipment (ICE), Woltman Piling and Drilling Rigs, and Bell Dredging Pumps. Dieseko is an NPM Capital portfolio company.

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