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FibreMax production capacity trebled | NPM Capital | NPM Capital

28 augustus 2018
FibreMax production capacity trebled | NPM Capital | NPM Capital

Synthetic cables producer FibreMax has put a larger plant into operation. The unique cables, which are lighter, thinner, stronger and more sustainable than traditional steel cables, create considerable added value for mining, offshore, building and construction, heavy transport and specific industrial applications. An example is the mast stays on luxury yachts.


The new location has five times more floor space than the former facility. Production capacity will also be more than trebled thanks to the planned expansion of the number of machines. The roof of the modern facility is covered completely with solar panels that generate eight times more electricity than FibreMax needs to power its own operations.


FibreMax is a young, fast-growing company that produces cables made from synthetic fibres such as Twaron and Dyneema or carbon, using unique endless winding technology. FibreMax is the only company in the world that produces these types of sustainable cables that can compete with industrial steel cables.


FibreMax’s new address and contact details are:


FibreMax B.V.

Bokkewiel 6

8502 TX Joure

The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 513 681 008


NPM - Sfeer - 173 - clara tafel

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