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HyDelta accelerates research on hydrogen applications | NPM Capital

20 januari 2021
HyDelta accelerates research on hydrogen applications | NPM Capital

At the end of last year, NPM participation Kiwa joined HyDelta, a consortium of parties with broad experience in the research and testing of hydrogen applications and transport. HyDelta recently organized its formal kick-off and the focus for the coming year will be the elimination of barriers to hydrogen application, by supporting innovations approaching market entry.

Besides Kiwa, the HyDelta consortium consists of DNV GL, Gasunie, Netbeheer Nederland, New Energy Coalition, TKI Nieuw Gas and TNO. All members believe in an ambitious future for hydrogen, but they observe that innovative hydrogen projects fail to get off the ground or face delays due to all sorts of practical obstacles, including permits, safety regulations or lack of infrastructure. Through a shared strategy, the consortium aims to remove these obstacles.

HyDelta's immediate focus will be the development of integral solutions for the transport and use of hydrogen. Directly applicable research is at the heart of this effort: think of adjustments to the natural gas pipeline network, ensuring safety of use, and measuring methods. Furthermore, HyDelta aims to develop multiple educational programs and map the 'economy of the hydrogen value chain'. Special attention will be paid to preventing duplicates of planned and ongoing (international) research and initiatives in the field.

Eliminating barriers
Kiwa has been researching the opportunities for hydrogen applications in the built environment for some time. In its research, Kiwa demonstrated that the existing pipeline network for natural gas is well-suited to the distribution of hydrogen. The company is also involved in a variety of innovative hydrogen applications both in the Netherlands and abroad. The expertise gained in the process is then shared through educational programs and through the Hydrogen House project, developed in collaboration with Alliander. 

According to Sjoerd Delnooz, unit manager at Kiwa, hydrogen is one of the solutions to successfully execute the energy transition. Delnooz: "Together with our HyDelta partners, we want to accelerate the development of hydrogen-driven energy supply. That will require an integrated approach to the production, storage, transport, distribution and deployment of hydrogen across the hydrogen chain. We're looking at solutions from product, transport and safety to public acceptance and economic barriers. All these efforts combine to eliminate the existing barriers to the large-scale application of hydrogen."

The early stages of the hydrogen economy
Internationally, awareness is growing that the production and application of carbon-neutral hydrogen will be an essential part of the energy transition. In the Netherlands, too, public and private sector have taken initiatives to stimulate the emergence of a 'hydrogen economy'. Despite these efforts, the development of this hydrogen economy is still in its early stages.

HyDelta and its current partners possess all the necessary skills and expertise to execute the first part of their research agenda. For the potential broader follow-up to the program, starting in 2022, it is expected that other consortium partners and sources of expertise will become involved.

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