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ICT Group new member of RAI Automotive Industry NL

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29 januari 2024
ICT Group new member of RAI Automotive Industry NL

ICT Automotive has recently become a member of RAI Automotive NL. The mission of RAI Automotive Industry NL aligns well with the mission of ICT Automotive, which is to initiate and carry out numerous activities to strengthen the Dutch Automotive sector, on a national and international level.


RAI Automotive Industry NL is the leading authority in the Dutch automotive production and supply chain industry. They focus on global automotive and mobility solutions by joining forces with industry members and stakeholders to act as a catalyst for innovation.


The mission of RAI Automotive Industry NL is in line with the mission of ICT Automotive, which is to initiate and carry out numerous activities to strengthen the Dutch Automotive sector, on a national and international level. RAI Automotive Industry NL is located at the Automotive Campus in Helmond and ICT Automotive is looking forward to a successful and long-term collaboration.


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