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Kramp acquires Motor Snelco | NPM Capital

Feeding the World
4 oktober 2022
Kramp acquires Motor Snelco | NPM Capital

On October 1st, 2022, Motor Snelco Beheer B.V. sold 100% of its shares in Motor Snelco B.V. and Motor Snelco International B.V. to Kramp Nederland B.V.

Motor Snelco is a Dutch family company based in Emmeloord and an independent importer and factory representative of Briggs & Stratton engines in the Benelux. With the acquisition of Motor Snelco, Kramp – a supplier and distributor of agricultural parts – further strengthened its position in the park and garden market.

Motor Snelco has been an importer of Briggs & Stratton since 1938, of Peerless Gear since 2009, of Tuff Torq since 2015 and of General Transmissions since 2017. In 2022, the company celebrated its 100-year anniversary. The owners, Marcel and Martina Gerritsen, have worked at Motor Snelco for 40 and 25 years, respectively.

The acquisition of Motor Snelco helps Kramp realise its ambition to further strengthen its position in the park and garden market. “The acquisition of Motor Snelco moves us closer to becoming an essential partner in this market as well”, said Reinier Slöetjes, Commercial Director of Kramp Nederland and an enthusiastic advocate of the acquisition. “Motor Snelco and Kramp have been working together for years, our employees know each other very well, and we have similar products and customer segments. Our ways of working also align very well. The expertise of Motor Snelco's employees will be a great addition to the work we do at Kramp, and we can now offer 600 additional products to our customers. I'm very proud that Marcel and Martina consider us worthy successors to preserve their company's legacy.”

Marcel Gerritsen is also happy about the acquisition by Kramp: “We have known Kramp for a long time, as an excellent partner and customer, and also as a highly valued competitor. Martina and I don't have any natural successors in the family. Given our age and our plans for the future, Kramp's interest presented us with a reliable buyer who will ensure the continuity of our company's activities and the jobs of our employees.”

Marcel and Martina Gerritsen will remain involved until the end of the year to finalise the integration with Kramp. The goal is to ensure Motor Snelco is fully integrated in the Kramp organisation by the start of 2023. Kramp will retain Motor Snelco's position as importer of Briggs & Stratton, Peerless Gear, Tuff Torq and General Transmissons. All employees of Motor Snelco have been offered a position at Kramp in the Netherlands or Belgium.

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