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Learning in 2020: personalised, customised and on the work floor | NPM Capital

24 maart 2020
Learning in 2020: personalised, customised and on the work floor | NPM Capital

Of the almost thirty subsidiaries of Conclusion, there are two which are exclusively active on the cusp between technology and Learning & Development (L&D). Eefje Albers (director of Bright Alley) and Celine van Hulst (director of Conclusion Learning Centers) explain how they support their customers’ employees and their own colleagues when taking over and managing individual training needs. “We focus on ensuring that the learning methods match what happens on the work floor as much as possible.”

“The future of organisations is changing quicker and more significantly than ever. Carrying on doing things how you used to do them just isn’t good enough. As curious experts, we help to identify the limits of the new way of working and translate these into concrete (learning) interventions on the work floor.”

The text on Bright Alley’s website clearly sets out the core business of this Conclusion subsidiary: enabling organisations to perform better by ensuring employees are capable of taking on the challenges of tomorrow. In so doing, the organisation uses a mix of (technological) tools which it has developed in-house, such as didactic apps with micro-learnings, gamification and serious games, e-learning solutions, learning environments, and virtual and augmented reality solutions. 

“Our team includes 40 experts in didactics, design, user experience and learning technology who collectively focus on a specific learning demand or behavioural issue”, says Eefje Albers. “In this context, we focus on several areas of expertise, including Compliance and Information Security. We are also regularly asked to carry out tasks in relation to the topic of Onboarding, i.e. effectively introducing employees to the workplace, including knowledge about a specific way of working. We are constantly developing learning solutions which cover the entire Employee Journey.”

Bright Alley works closely with Conclusion Learning Centers, which particularly focuses on developing solutions that give the employee greater authority with respect to where, when and how they gain this new expertise and these new skills. As an example, Celine van Hulst talks about her own learning-management system Class, which has been implemented by the national government at various ministries, as well as at several municipalities. “This type of Learning Management System provides for all of the learning needs within an organisation, from complete training to learning tools (online or otherwise), classic courses and so on. We take care of everything for the customer while the employee is offered a range that is customised to his personal needs.”

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