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Caspar de Haan and De Variabele announce a new partner within OMDUS | NPM Capital

Sustainable Future
4 juli 2023
Caspar de Haan and De Variabele announce a new partner within OMDUS | NPM Capital

Making future-proof living possible with national clout

Caspar de Haan and De Variabele announce a new partner within OMDUS, the group they previously formed to enable future-proof living. Together with United Legendz, this creates the greater clout as desired within OMDUS to further connect maintenance and renovation companies in a national network. This is based on the conviction that accelerating the sustainability of existing housing is necessary to pass on homes to future generations responsibly.


Caspar de Haan and De Variabele are family businesses that have been around for generations, with a proven track record in future-oriented development. Now, together with United Legendz, efforts on creating a solid future continue within OMDUS.

Michel Hilligehekken, General Manager of United Legendz: “The connecting factor between the various partners in OMDUS is our united view of the future. Building a legacy together and creating opportunities for both the company and the individual is what drives us all. And we complement each other well in this. United Legendz’ distinctive strength lies in the progressive development of human capital. Which is especially important for young people. United Legendz can gain extra knowledge, particularly so within OMDUS, as well as strengthen itself in the field of creative product and process development, which are areas in which the other partners are strong. One cannot do without the other. Where OMDUS talks about passing on value to future generations, we work on the basis of ‘building a legacy’. That is the joint grounding to make future-proof living possible. We as United Legendz are also very grateful to Nordian Capital for this, as they in particular made the growth possible in recent times, growth which we needed to take this step now.”

United Legendz, Caspar de Haan and De Variabele join forces within OMDUS in areas such as innovation, CO2 reduction, circularity and the development of culture and people.

Cas de Haan, one of the initiators of OMDUS: “United Legendz has hit us like a breath of fresh air. As partners within OMDUS, we work very actively on circular, affordable solutions to accelerate the sustainability of existing housing.

Affordability is of great importance to us, since our end-users have to make do with only a small budget. In addition, we want to reduce our own footprint, and that of our chain, to at least 0 and preferably even further. To make all this possible, we are working on innovation hubs near OMDUS locations, with people from all organisations. That requires something from your culture, from people’s motivation to inspire each other. Across all companies. And that’s precisely where United Legendz has great strength. We know where we want to go and experience each other as partners who create synergy between them in order to accelerate this for future generations.”

Independent companies with a joint holding company
OMDUS connects and inspires the affiliated renovation and maintenance companies to lead the way and to distinguish themselves. The separate companies, with a total of around 1,200 employees working from 19 branches, will continue to operate under their own names, but share a joint holding company. As a result, the organisations strongly embedded in the region can continue to be involved and respond quickly to the market demand of their own clients, at any time. Within OMDUS, the partners and all associated brands combine their knowledge and experience to realise a leading role in making properties more sustainable. The aim is to better align with the increasingly complex issues of the market towards affordable sustainability of homes and circular construction flows. Continuous growth in the field of innovation and organisation is indispensable to further develop and maintain a leading position in the field of sustainability. By United Legendz joining OMDUS, the desired complementary geographical network of renovation and maintenance companies continues to grow, in order to ultimately provide the entire Dutch market with the best possible service.

OMDUS is an initiative of Caspar de Haan and De Variabele in collaboration with NPM Capital N.V. NPM Capital N.V. is also the partner supporting the group in this new development.

¹ The collaboration within OMDUS will become final once approved by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM).


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