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Stern achieves highest possible sustainability certification | NPM Capital

18 februari 2020
Stern achieves highest possible sustainability certification | NPM Capital

At the end of 2019, Dutch mobility group – and NPM Capital portfolio company – Stern became the first car dealer holding to achieve the Erkend Duurzaam (‘Certified Sustainable’) Premium certificate, as part of an industry-wide sustainability programme initiated by BOVAG, RAI Association, FOCWA and STIBA, implemented by the Dutch Institute for Sustainable Mobility (IvDM). Erkend Duurzaam Premium is the highest possible certification for corporate social responsibility (CSR).

The certification was awarded following a period of intensive auditing at Stern’s various branches. Erkend Duurzaam Premium focuses on the transparency of an organisation’s reporting of its sustainability initiatives and results.

“What makes Stern unique is that this mobility group really goes the extra mile when it comes to sustainability,” says IvDM Director Dolf Teuwen. “Within the complex structure of a car dealer holding that involves a variety of different businesses and car brands, their efforts have ensured that sustainable enterprise inextricably permeates every layer of the group’s business activities. And their reporting is clear and transparent. The CSR report has a permanent place in the company’s annual reporting. It shows the actions the business is taking and the objectives it has achieved. Stern is the first of the top 20 car dealer holdings to achieve this certification, demonstrating the company’s position as the market leader in the mobility sector.”

Stern’s strategy
Stern looks ahead to anticipate major changes that will affect the automotive sector. As part of ‘Focus on Value’, a three-year plan has been developed that prioritises the principle that all the individual business operations should add value to Stern’s integrated mobility proposition. This principle means that some difficult decisions have had to be made, including the sale of Heron Auto and Mango Mobility. Over the next few years, the group will focus on digitalisation, intensifying the company’s used-car activities and further optimising its key business processes to offer customers an even better service. Great strides are being made in the pursuit of these goals, with the recent achievement of Erkend Duurzaam Premium certification representing just one of the group’s concrete results.

About Stern
Stern is one of the largest mobility groups in the Netherlands and is a market leader in mobility. The company believes in individual mobility, sustainability and diversity. For this reason, it offers a wide variety of car brands and additional mobility services. Dealergroup Stern represents several leading car brands. Stern Mobility Solutions offers services such as leasing, car rental, insurance, financing and extended warranties. The growing nationwide network of the Stern Car Services division offers services in the area of (brand-certified) repairs, universal after-sales and the intake and provision of rental cars. Stern has set itself the goal of becoming the most valued and recommended mobility partner in the Netherlands.

Also read Stern sells SternLease to ALD and enters into partnership agreement’

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