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From 1 January 2024, The Variable will have a new management team

Sustainable Future
5 december 2023
From 1 January 2024, The Variable will have a new management team

Rolf Rüthers (Process Owner Operations), Wout Lamers (Process Owner Market & Relationship) and Erik Mulders (Process Owner Operations) will take over from Ludwig Smits (Process Owner Innovation & Relationship), Bob Jacobs (Process Owner Projects and Service) and Joep Burghouts (Process Owner Market Development). The latter three will officially transfer to the OMDUS Group on 1 January 2024. They will stay involved with The Variable as ambassadors.


Moving on earlier and new plans

The new management team is keen to lead De Variable in an approachable and transparent manner and to provide a worthy succession to the 'house' left by the former management team.


In the coming period, De Variable will also focus on a healthy growth of the company in which letting people enjoy living and working continues to be central. The near future offers various opportunities and challenges. The new management team responds to these in an open and innovative, but also people-oriented way. Each in his own role.

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