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Tomato giants Agro Care and CombiVliet merge: together towards 1000 hectares

Feeding the World
10 juli 2024
Tomato giants Agro Care and CombiVliet merge: together towards 1000 hectares

NPM-participation Agro Care, one of the largest and most modern tomato growers in the Netherlands, announces a merger with industry peer CombiVliet. Together, they will operate under the name Agro Care and will manage nearly 500 hectares of greenhouses, with ambitions to grow to 1000 hectares, both in the Netherlands and internationally.


The merger is driven by the desire to operate more efficiently and sustainably. By scaling up, the companies hope to better meet market demands for sustainability and local production. Kees van Veen, co-founder of Agro Care, will become the CEO of the new entity, while Roy van Vliet, who succeeded his father at CombiVliet, will be the managing director for the Netherlands. Philip van Antwerpen will remain the managing director for Tunisia.

The companies plan to merge their staff services and open a joint headquarters. This aims not only to improve efficiency but also to become more attractive to talented employees. Additionally, they will continue to use joint purchasing and project management agencies and sales channels​.

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