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TU/e and ICT Group intensify collaboration | NPM Capital

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16 mei 2023
TU/e and ICT Group intensify collaboration | NPM Capital

The Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and ICT Group are proud to announce that they will intensify their collaboration in the area of Functional Safety for future developments in the Automotive industry. 

ICT Group and the Software Engineering and Technology (SET) cluster of the Mathematics and Computer Sience department at the Eindhoven University of Technology will collaborate intensively in the area of Functional Safety for vehicles. As part of the agreement, Koen Peppelman (Business Unit Manager ICT Electronics) and Johan van Uden (Technical Consultant ICT Electronics) provided a laboratory setup to Prof. dr. Mark van den Brand and dr. ir. Ion Barosan (assistant professor in the SET cluster). This lab setup consists of an advanced TTTech Automotive controller (ECU) with ICT Group's model-based development platform Motar.  

Functional Safety 
The TU/e will use the model-based platform for research projects in the area of Functional Safety, an important field of expertise for the university and a priority for the Automotive industry. ICT Group's contribution to this research demonstrates the intensive collaboration and shared commitment of the company and TU/e to expanding advanced research and promoting developments in the area of Functional Safety. 

Dr. Barosan, assistant professor in the Software Engineering and Technology cluster of TU/e, is very excited about the collaboration. "Collaborating with ICT Group is a great opportunity to enhance Functional Safety for the vehicles of the future. Our expertise in this area, combined with the expertise of ICT Group in the automotive field, is bound to lead to innovative solutions that will contribute to advancing the Automotive industry as a whole." 

ICT Group is also delighted about the use of Motar and TTTech controllers for the TU/e's research. "We are pleased to contribute to the Software Engineering and Technology cluster and to support their research in the field of Functional Safety," Koen Peppelman said. "This is just one example of the many ways in which we collaborate with TU/e to promote research and development in important areas and to create new opportunities for innovation and growth." 

Johan van Uden commented: "We are proud to be a partner of TU/e. The Functional Safety of vehicles is of crucial importance to the Automotive industry. By combining our expertise and resources, we can make important contributions to the development of new technologies and solutions that will shape the future of the Automotive industry." 

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