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De Variable on Step 3 of the Social Enterprise Performance Ladder

Sustainable Future
5 januari 2024
De Variable on Step 3 of the Social Enterprise Performance Ladder

At the end of 2023, De Variable reached Step 3 of the Social Enterprise Performance Ladder (SEPL or PSO in Dutch).  SEPL is the scientifically based measuring instrument and quality mark of TNO that objectively measures and visualises the degree of social entrepreneurship.


De Variabele wants to help more people with a vulnerable labour market position, find a sustainable and premium placement. It does this not only by facilitating workplaces within its own organisation, but also by encouraging suppliers and contractors to also conduct business from a social perspective..


The assessment shows that the branches in Doetinchem, Elst, Nijmegen (including Jacobs Milieutechniek) and Veenendaal offer good employment opportunities to people with a distance to the labour market and therefore perform above-average socially inclusive business practices. For several years, De Variabele has been supporting people with a vulnerable labour market position and offering them a place within the company. It consciously chooses to buy products or services from companies with specific social employment and/or other PSO-certified organisations. 


The Variable strives for a more inclusive society by, among other things, making organisations more socially responsible.

NPM - Sfeer - 173 - clara tafel

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